Are you a small business owner? Do you wish you could duplicate yourself so you can get all of your projects and marketing done? Our KLM team can help.
Are you a small business owner? Do you wish you could duplicate yourself so you can get all of your projects and marketing done? Our KLM team can help.
How We Help
Business owners who are growing or scaling need marketing and projects done. But most don’t have the time to do it all or the people to help.
That is where we come in! KLM is a full-service Business Development Firm specializing in marketing and project management for small and family-owned businesses. We can be your short-term solution or long-term partner in growth. Our team has over 80 years of combined business savvy, so we can help you in any area of business.
Whether you are a brand new entrepreneur or have owned a small business for 30+ years, we all need an extra hand at some point. KLM can step in at any time during your business lifecycle and help create, build, and implement those projects and marketing efforts you keep putting on the back burner because you can’t find anyone who thinks like you to do them and don’t have time to do them yourself.