6 Reasons To Use LinkedIn
LinkedIn is a social networking site used primarily for business worldwide and has over 590,000,000 users. It is one of the best online marketing tools you can use to grow your business. Right now, with most in-person networking on hold, is the perfect time to use LinkedIn.
Here are 6 reasons why everyone should use LinkedIn for business…
- It’s one of the first websites to come up when you google someone’s name. So, you want to be on there to be found by your potential clients.
- It is a great conversion tool. After you meet someone, they will most likely look you up on the internet. If your LinkedIn profile showcases your expertise, they are more likely to work with you.
- You can reach people you may not be able to in person. People are more likely to connect with you online than they are if you just call them on the phone or show up at their office.
- If you are not where your potential clients are looking, you don’t exist to them. If your potential referral partners or clients only use LinkedIn and not any other social media platform, they may never know about your business.
- There are 590 million users, so your reach is endless.
- LinkedIn is a tool that gives you a heightened ability to connect and reach a broader network. It’s like going to a networking event and getting to talk to everyone that was invited even if they aren’t in the room. Then, you can use those connections to grow your business.
The information you put on your profile and what you post on LinkedIn is a reflection of you and your business. It is an important part of branding. So, be sure it is an accurate representation and aligns with your company brand.
If you need help setting up your LinkedIn profile, company page or managing content, feel free to set up a free consult with us.