plan your work and work your plan radio show and podcast

Plan Your Work & Work Your Plan

Looking for sales and marketing tips? Entrepreneurship insights on working a plan? Interested in coaching for your business or college-age child? Here are a few of Kelly’s takeaways from the show…

september 2020 collaborative connections

Taking Care of the Body & Mind

This episode is jam-packed full of stories, lessons, tips, and more! It is worth the time to listen for anyone who is curious about mental health research that is being done, effects of COVID-19 on our mental wellness, trauma mentoring, the need for self-care, vein disease amongst other things.

dose of inspiration collaboratuve connections

A Dose of Inspiration

Collaborative Connections E11 Need a dose of inspiration? How about a little positive energy to fill your day? Then check out Collaborative Connections E11 Host Kelly Lorenzen had great featured …

collaborative connections

Collaboration and Communication

In a recent episode of Collaborative Connections Radio Show and Podcast, Kelly Lorenzen talked about collaboration, communication & more with special guests Anne Gill, president of Tempe Chamber of Commerce, Dawn Hocking with The Centers for Habilitation, and Michele M Rebeor Consulting, LLC, fundraising specialist!

Collaborative Connections Radio Show and Podcast

Resources for You Now

In the most recent episode of Collaborative Connections Radio Show and Podcast, we discussed the ways to handle stress, anxiety, divorce, and how to protect your assets among other hot topics.
In the current circumstances of what our nation is going through, this month’s radio show was inspiring, helpful and resourceful.